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These templates will work for anyone, but they were designed with using Reason in mind

Download my dp 4 template (great for Reason users)

*Note: You may need to change settings in your Audio Bundles to make this work.

Download my dp 3.11 template (great for Reason users)

*Note: You may need to change settings in your Audio Bundles to make this work.

Download my Logic 6 template (great for Reason users)

*Note: This Logic environment includes a Reason Midi mixer I designed, which allows you to control/automate midi volume and panning. Other nice touches are a Custom Mixer layout in the environment window, custom icon settings for various types of tracks, a Tracking window layout, etc... You'll need to make changes to the Audio Settings in order to get it working with your sound card.

The Great DP VI/AI Shootout Project is HERE!!!